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Monday, July 23, 2007


Communications means sharing or transmitting informations, ideas, or feeling from one person to another. If you tell some one what you think or want, you are transferring that information from your mind to his.

Communications is a basic necessity of all living creatures. Life without communications would just be unimaginable. If it suddenly disappeared, our whole way of life would disintegrated. Communications is familiar with us in our daily life. It also protects us.

Exchanging information is not only among human beings but also among animals. Animals since the start of their life make sounds to communicate its arrival in the world. Growing older, they would bark, chirp make movements with parts or their body, and they like to communicate.

Communications is made in a variety of ways : with gestures, sign, facial expressions, speech, sound, etc. Nodding of head indicates agreement, while shaking means no. Similarly, a newly born baby cries to announce its coming into the world. The crying of the baby is to inform that it is hungry, feels cold or warm, fells sick or uneasy, and so on. The baby would smile to tell people around it that it feels happy, comfortable and content. A child standing its feet on the ground is trying to force its will to its mother or to others. Facial expressions may communicate sympathy, anger, fear, happiness, disgust and others. Humans being have bigger and complicated brains than animals. Human beings use mainly their brain and senses. Animal brains are much simpler than human brains but they use their senses very well. They cannot speak a language. Human being can speak a language. There fore communication among them is continuously developing.

Communications developed very rapidly between the development of the alphabets about 1500 BC, and the beginning of printing from movable metal type about A.D. 1440.
The development if the electronic compulere have enable engineers to design machines that run other machines. Scientist can feel information and problems into compulers and receive answers.

On October 1, 1965, United State scientist set a record the communications distance.
They sent a radio signal 191 millions miles to the Mariner IV spacecraft and received a return signal. Mariner IV was farther from the earth than Mars was at that time.

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